SouthSeaEyes Linoprint Workshop

Nusye of SouthSeaEyes is running 4 linoprint workshops at CourtX:

September Thursday 8th 14:00 - 17:00
October Thursday 6th 14:00 - 17:00
November Thursday 17th 12:00 - 15:00
November Thursday 24th 12:00 - 15:00

All tools and materials are included, containing a variety of options of battleship grey lino / speedy carve / vinyl blocks, best in class carving tools and inks.  You take home your original creation on paper and your lino block.  Bring your simplified images if you wish to use personal pictures for reference.

Price: £60.00. To book please email Nusye or send a DM on Instagram.

Nusye has kindly offered one CourtX member a FREE place on a workshop of your choosing. Please email us if you’re interested (first come first serve).



August Exhibition - “Synergy”


Club Champs Finals BBQ