Online Footwear Study

The university of Exeter are looking for adults over 55 years of age, who are English speaking, a resident of the United Kingdom or Ireland and who typically play a racket or team sport.

It is important that the shoes people wear while playing these sports are comfortable and safe. Finding out the footwear needs from people themselves can be very useful in the future design and manufacture of athletic footwear. They hope by making athletic footwear specifically designed for the older adult they can help people stay active in later life and reduce the risk of injury.

If you would like to take part in the study please complete the 15 minute survey on the following link. Your data will be anonymised, so you won’t be identifiable in any of the reports.

If you have any questions about the study please contact Dr Jo Reeves via email. Jo is currently working at the University of Portsmouth and is a local tennis player.


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